
Making technology count in a C/ETRM world

As businesses grow, so does their need for modern, agile and cost-effective commodity/energy trading risk management (C/ETRM) solutions. Pioneer Solutions explores how its next-generation, highly configurable C/ETRM systems take advantage of the latest…

Transition management provider of the year: Northern Trust

As pension plans increasingly focus on the underlying costs and fees involved in managing their money, opportunities for transitions have shifted. Northern Trust is standing out by offering customised transition solutions for clients and stakeholders in…

CFTC finds harmony harder than it sounds

James Schwartz and Chrys Carey, of counsels at Morrison & Foerster, explore the impact of a recent Commodity Futures Trading Commission white paper – including how its author’s suggestions would affect cross-jurisdictional application of its regulations …

Asia embraces intelligent automation

Asia’s adoption of new tools and processes has gained significant momentum, with increased automation now a primary focus for many financial firms. Paul Worthy, head of Japan at Tradeweb, explores how this change has come about, and how firms can use the…

RFR valuation challenges

A new system of interest rate benchmarks for all major currencies is emerging. These new benchmarks will replace interbank funding rates with risk-free rates (RFR). This article by LPA focuses on valuation challenges during the transitional period to new…

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