Default fund contribution
CCPs fear prescriptive Esma standards on margin and risk
Esma could take key risk management decisions out of the hands of CCPs, according to new discussion paper on the technical standards required by European clearing rules poll: Basel rules make client clearing uneconomical
Fifty-four per cent of respondents say new capital rules for bank exposures to central counterparty default funds makes it unattractive to offer client clearing services
OTC clearing service of the year: JP Morgan
Risk awards 2012
How the CCP location debate helped split the EU
Location, location, location
Contingent capital solutions mooted for CCPs
Default insurance has been explored by at least one clearing house, but capital markets solutions may be a better way to supplement existing safeguards, say some participants
CCP capital rules could discourage client clearing, critics claim
Revised Basel rules provide little capital incentive for clearing members to clear trades on behalf of clients, bankers argue
Asia Risk Congress 2011: CCP users need tactical collateral planning due to Basel III capital squeeze
The increasing need for liquid, high grade assets under Basel III capital requirements will likely squeeze liquidity in the types of eligible collateral required by central counterparty (CCP) clearings, meaning end-users of CCPs need to tactically plan…
Margin models converge as CCPs battle for dealer support
Dealers say they won’t join clearing houses that are not robust – and have already blackballed one central counterparty. As a result, the initial margin methodologies employed by the big rates clearers have begun to converge. Matt Cameron reports
CCPs should be more transparent with margin models, say dealers
Dealers say CCPs need to be more transparent about how they calculate margin – including making their models fully accessible
The product no-one wants to sell: portability held up by lack of rules
Under-the-counter derivatives
The product no-one wants to sell: portability held up by lack of rules
Under-the-counter derivatives
EC's CRD IV says dealers can ignore portability risks
While Basel Committee deliberates, EC proposes 'value of zero' for contingent risks associated with clearing portability
Basel Committee may adjust 'blunt' CCP default fund capital
Netting treatment in controversial current exposure method is up for discussion at an April stakeholder meeting, but regulators reject other criticisms