Deep hedging
Everything, everywhere: 15 AI use cases in play, all at once
Research is top AI use case, best execution bottom; no use is universal, and none shunned, says survey
JPM’s new-look credit unit primed for market uncertainty
Talking Heads 2023: Leaders of merged business explain plans for new equity-credit combo, and why bank’s “biggest opportunity” lies in direct lending
JP Morgan is testing quantum deep hedging
Researchers say timeline has shortened for use of models in production
Structured products house of the year: JP Morgan
Risk Awards 2023: Tech investment propels fixed income expansion and back-to-back autocall hedges
Citi quants’ AI model aims to hedge earnings surprises
Machine learning tool forecasts effect of shocks on implied volatility surfaces in minutes
JP Morgan quants are building deep hedging 2.0
New model uses Bellman technique to learn general derivatives hedging strategies
JP Morgan’s deep hedging reaches cliquets
Euro Stoxx roll-out is live and S&P is next, despite exit of machine learning programme’s figurehead
Deep hedging pioneer Hans Buehler quits JP Morgan
Former global head of equities analytics will be joining XTX Markets
Podcast: Hans Buehler on the data science behind deep hedging
Top JP Morgan quant stresses importance of ‘de-trending’ training datasets used in machine learning
Banks strive for machine learning at quantum speed
Embryonic work on quantum neural networks raises hope of faster, more accurate models
Deep hedging: learning to remove the drift
Removing arbitrage opportunities from simulated data used for training makes deep hedging more robust
Quant of the year: Hans Buehler
Risk Awards 2022: Architect of deep hedging aims to supplant orthodox models with method based purely on data
JP Morgan testing deep hedging of exotics
Neural network trained to hedge complex options using simulated data expected to go live this year
RBC applies ‘deep hedging’ to stress scenarios
Risk USA: machine learning model generates more realistic estimates of trading losses
Deep learning profit and loss
The P&L distribution of a complex derivatives portfolio is computed via deep learning
Deep XVAs and the promise of super-fast pricing
Intelligent robots can value complex derivatives in minutes rather than hours
Synthetic data enters its Cubist phase
Quants are using the theory of rough paths to distil the essence of financial datasets
Generating financial markets with signatures
Signatures can provide the synthetic data to train deep hedging strategies
In fake data, quants see a fix for backtesting
Traditionally quants have learnt to pick data apart. Soon they might spend more time making it up
Rough volatility’s steampunk vision of future finance
Some of the trickiest puzzles in finance could be solved by blending old and new technologies
Deep hedging strays when volatility gets rough – study
In the most realistic simulations, data-driven approach fared 30% worse than conventional hedging