Debt securities
SEC approves exchange rules to prevent ‘clearly erroneous' trades
New rules from the US regulator aim to curb ‘fat-finger’ banking errors
SEC to host roundtable on short-selling regulation
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Collateral damage
Securities Lending
SEC and EU start mutual recognition talks on exchange trading
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CESR charts course for supervisory convergence on EU securities
Daily news headlines
No rest before Mifid
The November 1 implementation deadline is upon us. But just how ready were Europe and its financial services firms for the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive ? Victoria Pennington uncovers the real story behind Mifid's progress
UK allows for Basel II delays in risk-based rules for financial services
LONDON - UK regulators said in late July they would implement their plans for uniform, risk-based rules for UK-based banks, insurance companies and securities firms in several stages, instead of one or two, following delays to the Basel II bank accord.