The digitisation of legal negotiations and data
In partnership with, specialists from AcadiaSoft, Linklaters, and the International Swaps and Derivatives Association weighed in on the digitisation of derivatives documentation for a virtual roundtable discussion. Recent innovations, aimed at…
Prime services – It’s about what you bring
There are many benefits to integration – particularly when it comes to the provision of prime services. Societe Generale has followed this path, which has allowed it to improve cost efficiency and improve the range of products it can offer. The bank has…
Seamless integration – Drivers of and barriers to cloud adoption
Siarhei Niaborski, executive vice-president of risk at CompatibL, discusses the rate of cloud adoption in the capital markets industry and its possible drivers and barriers, how firms can derive maximum value from cloud usage and the criteria on which…
Successfully moving risk software to the cloud
Cloud technologies offer numerous benefits over traditional on-premise deployments. While the rate of adoption in the financial services industry was initially slow, banks and asset managers are now embracing these technologies and moving their…
Cat risk: why forecasting climate change is a disaster
Forecasters are poles apart on climate-driven catastrophes; insurers fear worse ahead
BlackRock, State Street, AB are making AI work in risk
Risk USA: Fund managers are using new technology to measure liquidity risk and spot their own errors
Use CDM, or some business lines might die – Barclays
Without innovation – including the common domain model – some trades could become prohibitive
Eastspring seeks to nurture growth with better data
Data mapping key to asset manager’s plans as parent pivots to Asia
Navigating the impact of climate risk on financial stability
As uncertainty abounds on the impact climate change may have on the industry, financial services firms must best equip themselves for potential regulatory and socioeconomic changes to ensure they maximise the opportunities of embracing new best practices…
Stress-testing to improve strategic decision‑making
Banking regulators remain focused on expanding and developing the range of stress-testing regimes across the globe to maintain stability, monitor emerging risks and avoid another financial crisis. Here, a forum of industry leaders discusses the evolution…
FVA – Time to go asymmetric?
Despite being introduced over six years ago, there is still no market consensus on how to calculate funding valuation adjustments. One point of contention is whether to use the same funding curve for borrowing and lending (symmetric funding) or to use…
Lease finance accounting – A new standard
International Financial Reporting Standard 16 came into effect on January 1. The impact of the new standard can be felt across all industries, particularly those that rely heavily on rentals and leasing as part of their core business. A global leader in…
Energy25: Energy firms turn to next-generation analytics
FIS, Enverus and Eka take to the podium in the inaugural Energy25 technology rankings
Banks seek new value for their efforts
As regulatory stress tests evolve and a new age of stress-testing approaches, firms are looking to maximise value by making the most of scenario-based analytics. John Voigt, principal solutions manager at SAS, explores the importance to institutions of…
Best CVA practices in Japan
At a recent roundtable in Tokyo, banks and regulators discussed progress on credit valuation adjustment (CVA). While, in many respects, the work towards implementing best practices in the country is on track, challenges remain in resourcing and…
Companies delay climate policy action at their peril
Failure to take immediate action on the proposals set out in the Paris Agreement on climate change could cost approximately $1.2 trillion over the next 15 years in policy risk costs. Oliver Marchand, co-founder of Carbon Delta and executive director of…
Politicians must heal a fractured UK society
Political journalist Robert Peston has grave concerns over the future of Britain, seeing profound risks with or without Brexit
Poor data hurting buy side’s automated bond trading
Spotty bond liquidity creates gaps in trading data that could harm best execution, insiders warn
EU banks grapple with NMRF proposals for volatility models
EBA options for lighter capital treatment of parametric curves could prove impractical
ESG investing: It’s not just great to be good
Investing according to environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria can be done in various ways, with continuing development of filters and ways of analysing companies. As the market in ESG indexes and investments linked to sustainability matures,…
Fed Funds Futures in a Post-ZIRP World
As the FOMC returns to more active management of its key target rate, Federal Funds futures have experienced dramatic growth.