Data aggregation
Regulator consent to make or break BCBS 239 compliance in Asia
Local data laws clash with Basel’s risk data aggregation rules
Banks fear capital add-ons for BCBS 239 failures
Capital add-on is "a stick that's out there", says Santander's Goddard
Dealing with data is key to compliance, banks find
New regulatory requirements mean pressure on aggregation
Managing data still biggest technology challenge for Asia banks
Data has been a problem for the past two decades for firms in the region
Risk aggregation remains challenging in Asia
Aggregation not a priority for regulators in Asia
Google can help banks fix their risk data problems
Banks need to embrace radical change to satisfy Basel principles
Winton sees problems with big data analytics
Social media and live newsfeeds not so far useful, hedge fund says
Credit Suisse and UBS expect to miss Basel data deadline by a year
Finma said to be considering penalties
BCBS 239 – Principles for effective risk data aggregation and reporting
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