Corporate bonds
EU funds loaded up on US debt in 2019
Net purchases of US debt up +962% in 2019
Full stream ahead for bonds
Price streaming offers cost savings and operational efficiencies, but it could fragment liquidity
The corporate bond revolution will be streamed
Dealers are piping feeds of live, executable prices direct to select clients
Tradeweb’s IPO shows how OTC markets are changing
RFQ pioneer is embracing new protocols and liquidity providers in a bid to connect the OTC markets
Innovation in execution: Morgan Stanley
Risk Awards 2020: Odd-lot bot handles almost half of bank’s credit trades
Low investment grade debt a staple of EU insurer portfolios
Debt holdings just one notch above junk status make up €642.8 billion of standard formula insurer assets
Fed underscores run risk of corporate bond funds
Total AUM of junk bond and bank loan funds was around $350 billion in Q2 2019
Navigating the impact of climate risk on financial stability
As uncertainty abounds on the impact climate change may have on the industry, financial services firms must best equip themselves for potential regulatory and socioeconomic changes to ensure they maximise the opportunities of embracing new best practices…
Best CVA practices in Japan
At a recent roundtable in Tokyo, banks and regulators discussed progress on credit valuation adjustment (CVA). While, in many respects, the work towards implementing best practices in the country is on track, challenges remain in resourcing and…
At bounding MarketAxess platform, a new CRO parses risk
Clarity and communication are basics to Oliver Huggins at one of the biggest US bond platforms
Insurers slow purchases of eurozone sovereign bonds
Annualised growth rate of government debt holdings falls to 2%
Generali pivots from corporate bonds
Company debt makes up 31.6% of life insurance investment portfolio; 28.1% of property and casualty portfolio
Ties between EU insurers and banks vary by country
Estonian, Cypriot and Swedish insurers most exposed to banking sector
DTCC in talks to clear MarketAxess bond trades
Market-first move could cut platform’s costs and counterparty risks
Ice creates daily credit risk monitoring tool
Company muscles into Bloomberg’s fixed income data territory with bond analytics service
Credit data: UK banks hold firm as Brexit looms
The credit status of UK banks remains unchanged, but other industries have seen significant deterioration
Debt-issuance spree helps Lloyds hurdle MREL target
Total funds and eligible liabilities rose to £66.8 billion at the end of last year, up 23% from 2017
China warning spurs banks over bail-in debt plans
Competing for attention in global TLAC markets could drive up costs for Chinese lenders
US G-Sibs cut $36bn of HQLA
Wells Fargo clears out $27 billion of HQLA in first nine months of 2017 alone
Bank bail-in rules put European insurers at risk
The major buyers of bank debt could suffer a domino effect if the bonds are bailed in
Goldman, BAML back Trace reporting changes
Banks are pushing for 48-hour delay in reporting large corporate bond trades
Own goal: Mifid II reduces transparency in some EU markets
New rules replace voluntary arrangements in ETFs and Nordic bonds, fragmenting post-trade data
EU trading venues warn over looming end of LEI relief
Expelling issuers with no legal entity identifiers could hurt liquidity and investor strategies
UK bank funding costs spike in Q1 – BoE
Total term debt issuance is around 60% higher this year to date than at the same points in 2016 and 2017