Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital
Goldman writes off $506m of intangibles in GreenSky disposal
Only sliver of original investment to return to CET1 capital
Five US banks add $7bn in unrealised losses in Q3
Deductions at JP Morgan and Wells Fargo surge by more than $2 billion each
PE funds exit boots Wells Fargo’s capital ratio
Two billion dollars of investment sales in Q3 added 14bp to CET1
Could excessive regulation make bank stocks uninvestable?
JP Morgan's EMEA CFO says capital requirements will mean banks lose business to non-banks
AgBank’s regulatory VAR hits record high in first half
Chinese bank’s market risk up by over a third to highest level in a decade
Norinchukin’s RWAs up 21% as Basel III formulas react to market volatility
Market charges up 230% in harsh test of new standardised approaches
Goldman most threatened by Fed’s rejig of modelled capital charges
End of credit risk modelling and scaling up of SCB’s role could tip six US banks below minimum requirements
AOCI reinclusion would push 10 US banks below capital requirements
KeyCorp, Truist and UBS Americas the worst affected by removal of paper-loss waiver
Eight US banks slapped with higher capital buffers
US units of Deutsche and UBS hit with highest SCBs yet imposed by the Fed
The AOCI elephant in the DFAST room
After March’s banking crisis, Fed stress tests should adopt harsher and wider ranging rate scenarios
US G-Sibs face higher add-ons in Barr’s surcharge framework review
Fed vice-chair proposal to reduce ‘cliff effects’ could add between 40bp and 10bp to capital requirements
US banks’ stress-test projections stray further from Fed’s in 2023
Average gap between Fed- and bank-estimated depletions more than double from previous two DFASTs
Fed urged to focus on resolvability in Basel III endgame
Industry roundtable suggests resolution planning should take priority over higher G-Sib charge
Five US banks would breach CET1 buffers on AFS loss reinclusion
Fed’s vice-chair proposal to scrap AOCI waiver would cripple KeyCorp the most
Goldman could face higher capital charge under Barr proposal
Plans to prevent G-Sib score window dressing would penalise all US systemic banks bar Citi
Citi’s stress-test estimates out of sync with Fed’s
Bank lowballed capital hit in DFAST 2023 more than any other US systemic lender
In DFAST, banks clear 4.5% minimum but breach all-in buffers
Forty-three percent of participants would have seen capital plans rejected under pre-2020 CCAR regime, up from 30% last year
Taking stock: putting a price on US bank regulation post-SVB
Tougher requirements could “blow a hole” of 200+bp in regulatory capital ratios – and cripple equity returns
JP Morgan on course to escape Collins floor
Gap between standardised and modelled RWAs at its smallest since 2016
For 11 US regionals, capital adequacy hinges on AOCI waiver
A repeal of the 2019 provision would hit KeyCorp and Charles Schwab the most
Santander, Credit Suisse hit hardest by AOCI in Europe
Unrealised losses, mostly from exchange rate swings, shave huge chunks off CET1 capital
Deutsche Bank health check comes back clean
From capitalisation to derivatives, Germany’s top bank displays as robust a prudential profile as its peers
How Finma milked Credit Suisse’s CoCos in UBS deal
Unusual clause in Swiss AT1 bonds allowed them to be written off; could others follow suit?
Rabobank closes gap to Basel III after RWA top-ups
Mortgage floor, other model corrections bring forward reforms’ forecast impact