
Shipping out

The shipping industry has suffered huge losses in recent months, with the Baltic Exchange Dry Index sinking 94% between May and December last year. What are the knock-on effects for the developing freight derivatives market? Christopher Whittall…

The next regulatory era

Market turmoil and political pressure are forcing the US CFTC to consider implementing new derivatives regulation or face potentially draconian rules imposed by Congress, write Gregory Mocek and Athena Velie

European energy outlook

2008 was a rollercoaster year for Europe's energy markets. Roderick Bruce interviews trading CEOs and other senior executives to see how they envisage Europe's gas & power markets developing in the year ahead

Towards the best of three

Arc is offering a simple growth product linked to three commodities and weighted relative to their performance. Returns will be subject to capital gains tax, and capital is protected at maturity

Commodity plays and hedges

Barclays Bank is offering a link to 14 commodities and one commodity index which allows investors to take a stake in the rise of the main commodity subsectors while also providing a natural hedge against inflation

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