Capital Requirements Directive (CRD)
EU capital rules remain on tight deadline
LONDON – European Union (EU) plans for implementing the complex Basel II bank safety rules remain on a very tight schedule, but the issue today of a EU progress report is a positive step, officials at European banking organisations said today.
Europe considers wider op-risk insurance role in new capital rules
BRUSSELS - The European Commission confirmed today it proposes the possible recognition of operational risk insurance as a way of reducing capital charges in all three methods of measuring op risk in its new protective capital rules for banks and…
EU expected to report on Cad 3 progress next week
BRUSSELS – The European Commission is expected to give details on November 18 about how it intends applying the complex Basel II bank safety rules in the European Union, commission officials confirmed today.
EU expected to report on Cad 3 progress next week
The European Commission is expected to give details on November 18 about how it intends applying the complex Basel II bank safety rules in the European Union, commission officials confirmed today.
Europe allows wider role for op risk insurance in Cad 3 [full story]
BRUSSELS - European banks and investment firms would be able to use operational risk insurance to reduce capital charges in all approaches to measuring op risk under new European Union (EU) capital adequacy rules, banking industry and regulatory sources…
Europe allows wider role for op risk insurance in Cad 3
European banks and investment firms would be able to use operational risk insurance to reduce capital charges in all approaches to measuring op risk under new European Union (EU) capital adequacy rules.
Europe allows wider role for op risk insurance in Cad 3
European banks and investment firms should be able to use operational risk insurance to reduce capital charges in all approaches to measuring op risk under new European Union (EU) capital adequacy rules.
EU Cad 3 paper delayed to mid-November
The European Commission hopes to issue an update on progress with its complex third bank capital adequacy directive (Cad 3) in mid-November, a delay to its original plan to publish a paper in late October, a commission spokesman said.
EU Cad 3 paper delayed to mid-November
BRUSSELS – The European Commission hopes to issue an update on progress with its complex third bank capital adequacy directive (Cad 3) in mid-November, a delay to its original plan to publish a paper in late October, a commission spokesman said today.
UK operational risk policy backs enterprise-wide risk management
With comments on the UK regulators' operational risk paper due by October 31, IBM's Pierre Pourquery says the proposals go above and beyond Basel II.
Key Basel II package expected tomorrow
BASEL – Global banking regulators plan to issue a package of documents on the Basel II bank accord tomorrow, including a key survey seeking information on how the complex, risk-based accord might affect banks around the world.
UK expects EU countries to reopen Basel II arguments
LONDON – UK regulators expect that other European Union (EU) countries will try to reopen Basel II bank accord discussions within the EU framework, a senior UK supervisor said yesterday.
FSA urges UK banks to look hard at EU capital proposals
UK banks should look hard at a draft text of European Union (EU) capital rules that the European Commission plans to issue around the end of October, the UK’s senior financial regulator said today.
Regulator urges UK banks to look hard at EU capital proposals
LONDON – UK banks should look hard at a draft text of European Union (EU) capital rules that the European Commission plans to issue around the end of October, the UK’s senior financial regulator said today.
European fund managers seek united voice on EU laws
LONDON – Two leading trade bodies representing European fund managers are looking at ways of providing a united voice on European Union (EU) laws and rules affecting them, including the EU’s third capital adequacy directive or Cad 3.
European fund managers seek united voice on EU laws
Two leading trade bodies representing European fund managers are looking at ways of providing a united voice on European Union (EU) laws and rules affecting them, including the EU’s proposed third capital adequacy directive, Cad 3.
Basel II securitisation issues conclusion expected this week
Experts expect this week to finalise their proposals for handling the one major issue still outstanding in the complex Basel II Accord aimed at making the world’s banking system safer – the technically thorny question of how to treat the credit risks for…
EU wants Cad 3 study to look at bank lending to smaller companies
BRUSSELS – The European Commission said it launched a tender today for a study that would pay particular attention to the consequences for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of proposed new European Union (EU) banking capital rules.
EC wants Cad 3 study to look at bank lending to smaller companies
The European Commission said it launched a tender today for a study that would pay particular attention to the consequences for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of proposed new European Union (EU) banking capital rules.
UK allows for Basel II delays in risk-based rules for financial services
LONDON - UK regulators said in late July they would implement their plans for uniform, risk-based rules for UK-based banks, insurance companies and securities firms in several stages, instead of one or two, following delays to the Basel II bank accord.
UK accepts large banks could use basic op risk approach
LONDON - The UK’s chief financial market watchdog said in July it accepted that a large international bank could use the basic indicator approach, the simplest of the three approaches to calculating operational risk capital charges proposed under the…
UK adjusts timetable to Basel II delays
London - UK regulators said today they would implement their plans for uniform, risk-based rules for UK-based banks, insurance companies and securities firms in several stages, instead of one or two, following delays to the Basel II bank accord.
UK says op risk paper will prepare firms for Basel II
London – Financial firms complying with the operational risk policy outlined today by UK financial regulators should be well prepared for the systems and controls needed under the Basel II bank accord and parallel European Union (EU) rules.
FOA slams single European market plans for commodity derivatives
The London-based Futures and Options Association (FOA) today said it was concerned that plans to include commodity derivatives within the European Commission’s new Investment Services Directive (ISD) and related Capital Adequacy Directive (CAD) could…