Buy side
Don’t keep up with the Kardashians
Dealers may have gifted the buy side an information edge
Giancarlo: March VM deadline is ‘massive challenge’
CFTC commissioner calls on regulators to address buy-side concerns if needed
VM showdown a clash banks could not win
Clients clinging to hard-won CSA terms, in face of dealer calls for standardisation
Flylets and fixed-income portfolio risk management
Sponsored Q&A: Buy-Side Awards 2016 | Tudor Investment Corporation
De-risking pension funds across the board
Sponsored Q&A: Buy-Side Awards 2016 | Prudential Financial Inc
ESG trends: Casting the net wide and deep
Sponsored Q&A: Buy-Side Awards 2016 | Conning
VM regime threatens explosion of small margin calls
Transfer threshold designed to avoid small payments is unworkable, critics claim
New EU prudential framework proposed for investment firms
Non-bank Mifid firms could be subject to liquidity rules for first time
An imperfect solution: Derivatives create new challenges for buy side
Sponsored survey analysis: Calypso Technology
Pension funds cautioned on equity-bond correlation
Buy-siders need to plug changes into VAR, say risk managers
Buy-side stress tests ‘not straightforward’ – Irish central banker
Stress tests for asset managers need to be different from those for banks, conference told
New margin timing rules may pose problems for buy side
Dealers warn clients could struggle to meet incoming T+1 deadline for variation margin
Dealers leave buy side guessing on Mifid trade reporting
Clients face tougher reporting rules if dealers don’t become systematic internalisers
Asia Risk's annual Buy-side Derivatives Survey
Asia Risk, in association with Calypso, invites you to have your say in our annual Buy-side Derivatives Survey
MarketAxess to offer cut-price dark pool liquidity
High-yield bond block trades could be 100bp cheaper on new platform, says executive
Emir countdown raises cost questions for the buy side
Firms fear wider spreads, lower liquidity after May 21 frontloading date
Eurex faces questions on savings from buy-side clearing
CCP rebuffs argument that direct membership model will add to risk
Eurex describes its new ISA Direct platform
Sponsored video: Eurex Clearing
Smaller firms get boost on timing for non-cleared margin
Counterparties will be able to offset extra collateral calls, says source close to EBA
Eurex pilots direct clearing for the buy side
CCP predicts 80% reduction in capital charges for banks acting as clearing agents
Beyond Libor: what reform plans mean for swaps users
Big bang still an option in plans to propagate new benchmarks
Pensions industry says permanent Emir exemption not enough
European Parliament and UK regulator push for carve-out, but industry unimpressed
Buy-siders hope for late reprieve on margining for non-cleared swaps
National supervisors coming round to industry view on same-day settlement, say sources
Lifetime achievement award: Bennett W Golub
CRO and founding partner has helped grow – and guard – BlackRock for almost three decades