Basel II
US banks biding time on Basel II, says Dugan
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Turning on tables
Basel II
A light touch
Isda's chairman, Jonathan Moulds, talks to Alexander Campbell
FDIC chairman Bair’s warning on Basel II models
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The liquidity link
Liquidity risk
Basel II amendments expected in October
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London Scottish short on capital
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Regulators in Accord
Basel II
Software Product of the Year - Fermat
Risk Awards 2008
Australian banks prepare for Basel II
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A call to action
The global credit crunch shows just how much the world's financial services firms need to raise their game when it comes to risk management, says Charles Dallara, managing director of the Institute for International Finance. By Ellen Davis
CEBS examines insurance products
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Kroszner lauds Basel II bank reforms
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Ursa Bank steps up Basel prep
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US Federal Reserve Board gives green light for Basel II
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Basel II Capital Rule final rule approved by OCC and OTS
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Calibration of PD term structures: to be Markov or not to be
A common discussion in credit risk modelling is the question of whether term structures of default probabilities can be satisfactorily modelled by Markov chain techniques. Christian Bluhm and Ludger Overbeck show that empirical multi-year default…
Mifid is new compliance priority, says report
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Basel Committee plans new default risk capital requirements
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Report criticises Basel II
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CEBS defends Basel II as “a step forward”
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Mario Mosse
Volunteer work
Does Basel II add up?
Are there inconsistencies in the standardised and advanced measurement approaches of the Basel II regulatory framework? Andreas Jobst considers the evidence
No extension of Basel II deadline, says Indian reserve bank
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