The year of living riskily
VAR Survey
Looking forward to back testing
With increasing challenges to measure value-at-risk and meet high regulatory requirements, the focus has turned to back testing as a way of assuring models' adequacy. Carsten S Wehn proposes a new regime of back testing, combining state-of-the-art…
VAR: history or simulation?
Greg Lambadiaris, Louiza Papadopoulou, George Skiadopoulos and Yiannis Zoulis assess the performance of historical and Monte Carlo simulation in calculating VAR, using data from the Greek stock and bond market. They find that while historical simulation…
Isda and BMA propose 35% charge for restructuring risk
The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (Isda) and the Bond Market Association (BMA) submitted a comment letter today to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in which they argued that, for the sake of capital calculations, loans hedged…
Sponsor's article > Is 8% for all seasons?
Considering the potential pro-cyclical impact of Basel II and the limited effectiveness of countervailing influences, David Rowe concludes that making the 8% ratio of capital-to-risk-adjusted-assets a discretionary policy variable should be part of the…
Sponsor's article > No cure through the cycle
Some have argued that the antidote for pro-cyclicality in the Basel II capital requirements is the use of 'through-the-cycle' estimates of default and recovery rates. David Rowe argues that, whilethis might mitigate the pro-cyclical impact of the Accord,…
Basel trouble brewing in Europe's accession countries
Domestic banks and corporate banking customers in central and eastern Europe could have trouble adapting to the changes the revised Basel Accord would have on their economies.
Risk management based on stochastic volatility
Risk management approaches that do not incorporate randomly changing volatility tend to under- or overestimate the risk, depending on current market conditions. We show how some popular stochastic volatility models in combination with the hyperbolic…
Credit model evaluation
With the new Basel Capital Accord scheduled for implementation in 2005, banks are having to evaluate the credit scoring models that will enable them to meet the minimum standards for Basel’s internal ratings-based (IRB) approach. Selecting an appropriate…
Pro-cyclicality in the new Basel Accord
Could Basel II worsen recessions? By backtesting the proposed capital rules to the last recession, D. Wilson Ervin and Tom Wilde argue that the increased risk sensitivity of loan portfolio regulatory capital in the new Accord could have unwelcome…
Beyond the lognormal