Asset-backed securities (ABSs)
S&P predicts harder times ahead for European structured products
European structured products will come under ratings pressure in 2007, but there will be only a limited number of downgrades, according to rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P).
Markit unveils European ABS pricing service
UK data services provider Markit has launched a same-day pricing service for European asset-backed securities (ABS).
Siemens launches ABS programme based on low-value receivables
Siemens Financial Services (SFS) has released an asset-backed securities (ABS) 'light' programme, aimed at small and medium-sized companies with receivables portfolios of at least €3 million.
European ABS: Will it end in tiers?
As part of a special focus on asset-backed securities, we take a look at the European ABS market. After a prolonged period of spread compression, credit tiering may be making a return to the market, as Alan McNee reports
Living with recognition
Under new accounting rules implemented this year, the majority of Europe's asset-backed securities transactions will now have to be recognised on balance sheet. Will this lead to a drop in securitisation volumes? Duncan Wood reports
New ABS and MBS standards
The European Securitisation Forum (ESF) has responded to calls from investors in asset-backed securities for better disclosure by releasing market practice guidelines for the securitisation market.
Credit derivatives innovations essential for health of credit market
Product structurers must continue to develop innovative credit derivatives products to keep people interested in credit, according to Bob Janjuah, ABN Amro's global head of credit strategy.
Nomura analyst sceptical about Nera's ratings study
Research by National Economic Research Associates' (Nera) economic consulting division comparing different rating agencies' rating processes has been described as "disappointingly inconclusive" by Mark Adelson, a New York-based securitisation and asset…
Korean consumer default likely to affect Asian securitisation, says S&P
The deteriorating credit quality of South Korea’s securitised credit card portfolios has not only meant Korean asset-backed securities issuance has ground almost to a halt this year, but that it is likely to negatively affect consumer finance…
Isda AGM: BOJ reiterates intention to purchase corporate ABS
The Bank of Japan (BOJ) today reiterated its intention to buy asset-backed securities from small and medium sized companies in an unprecedented move to remedy the ills of the Japanese financial system.
German focus: Trouble below deck
Despite weathering a number of storms over the past decade, notably reunification and monetary union, the German economy is facing a new threat.