2023 banking crisis
Liquidity modellers clash on assuming central bank support
Experts disagree on whether internal stress tests should include emergency facilities
The tweet and the trust collapse: how banks can fall on a dime
In March’s market contagion, experts see lessons in the rapid erosion of confidence
Fed’s discount window comes in from the cold
BTFP offers zero haircuts on collateral, but long-term usage is not recommended
First Republic taps Fed facilities in effort to plug funding hole
Discount window and BTFP provide temporary relief as deposits slump $72bn in Q1
Bank runs prompt rethink of IRRBB deposit models
ALM managers are looking for ways to separate the impact of rate hikes from idiosyncratic risks
US banks report negative NII growth amid rising rates
Goldman, KeyCorp and Charles Schwab worst hit in Q1 as funding costs sap income growth
Why tougher liquidity rules may not reduce the risk of bank runs
EU regulator and industry experts say LCR reform is the wrong response to Credit Suisse and SVB
BofA slashed AFS Treasuries holdings by 36% in Q1
Partial sale of securities portfolio crystallises $200 million of paper losses
As PNC bleeds non-interest deposits, US Bancorp picks up more
Divergence in savings mix follows March’s deposit flight
Initial margin requirements for IR swaps hit record $325bn
CME, Eurex and LCH report aggregate 10% rise in month marred by most severe crisis since 2008
Legacy legal costs could stretch state support for UBS
Downside protection of Sfr9 billion must cover numerous outstanding claims against Credit Suisse
Schwab turns to costly FHLB advances as deposits drop
Bank draws $45.6 billion in facilities carrying four times the interest rate paid on deposits
US banks seize chance to transfer securities from HTM to AFS
Wells Fargo, JP Morgan and Citi reclassify $34bn following new hedge accounting treatment
Kneejerk regulatory reaction to SVB risks lending squeeze
Risk manager at regional bank says any Dodd-Frank 2.0 would be ‘fighting the last war’
As rates rose, KeyBank unwound 94% of pay-fixed swaps
Sale of AFS hedges left book exposed throughout late 2022, much as at ill-fated SVB
CVA desks avoided re-hedging as Credit Suisse teetered
As credit spreads blew out, dealers opted not to adjust rates and FX risks
For 11 US regionals, capital adequacy hinges on AOCI waiver
A repeal of the 2019 provision would hit KeyCorp and Charles Schwab the most
Lending via Fed’s BTFP overtakes discount window
Emergency facility extended $79bn last week, $10bn more than central bank’s traditional credit lending tool
First Republic burned through short-term investments in 2022
Cash and securities maturing within a year went from over- to undermatching short-term funding liabilities
The Catch-22 of US banks’ liquidity buffers
US banks are using held-to-maturity bonds to underpin liquidity adequacy, grating against accounting guidance. What happens if they’re forced to sell?
Why US bank regulation needs a system upgrade
SVB collapse shows supervisory framework is not fit for a changing industry and new systemic risks
Did US hedge accounting rules contribute to SVB’s recklessness?
Hedging and directional risk-taking was a problem, but FASB regime may have complicated matters
Five regional banks predict lower income from higher rates
IRRBB simulations show lending revenue shrinking as Fed policy gets tighter
US banks vulnerable to losses if HTM securities need to be sold
Overall mark-to-market value $300bn lower than amortised cost across 30 banks