Operational risk

Algorithmics strengthens European connection

TORONTO - Canadian risk management software company Algorithmics said in October that Denmark-based Danske Bank had licensed its Algo Collateral software system to manage their over-the-counter derivatives and repo-margining activities. An Algorithmics…

EU capital rules remain on tight deadline

LONDON – European Union (EU) plans for implementing the complex Basel II bank safety rules remain on a very tight schedule, but the issue today of a EU progress report is a positive step, officials at European banking organisations said today.

A question of priorities

Japan's banks are aware of the need to prepare for Basel II, but it is just one of a number of urgent issues that need to be resolved in the Japanese banking sector.

Banding together for SME credit risk analytics

Germany's banking associations are taking a leading role in getting the country's fragmented banking sector ready to comply with the Basel II capital Accord. Germany's savings banks association, in particular, says it has internal ratings-based systems…

Data hurdles

The risk management rumour mill has been buzzing in recent weeks with the story that US banking regulators have told the senior management of the country’s 30 largest banks that they will be expected to implement the advanced internal ratings-based (IRB)…

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