German defence announcement hits steepener trades
Rapid euro curve flattening following Merz’s comments last week caught out a number of hedge funds, say dealers
Euro swap spread volatility challenges Bund’s hedging role
German Bunds face scrutiny as euro swap spreads turn negative, forcing traders to rethink hedging strategies
Deutsche tops EU lenders in mid-2024 surge for bad CRE loans
German lender worst hit among bloc’s systemic banks as soured exposures rose 153% in 12 months
Deutsche misses G-Sib surcharge cut despite EU score benefit
Carve-out of intra-bloc exposure lowers score below 230bp, but 1.5% surcharge remains
‘It’s not EU’: Do government bond spreads spell eurozone break-up?
Divergence between EGB yields is in the EU’s make-up; only a shared risk architecture can reunite them
Deutsche’s IRC tops €8 billion in four-year high
Ballooning credit-event risk charge contrasts with Q3 drop at BNP Paribas, ING
Withholding tax trips up Eurex agency clearing model
Clearing members rely on CCP to resolve potential problem with German tax authorities
Crédit Agricole headed for 1.5% G-Sib surcharge in 2026
French bank’s surging G-Sib score puts it past Deutsche in latest systemic risk assessment
New climate inputs upset Commerz’s loan risk map
Integration of sustainability parameters into provision models shifts €16 billion of loans to stage 2
Commerzbank wager swells UniCredit’s modelled RWAs by 62.5%
Total return swaps on German shares inflate VAR and SVAR components
SVAR spike drives Deutsche’s market RWAs up 20%
Risk positions in the FIC division behind highest figure in over three years
UniCredit-Commerz merger could spawn sixth-largest EU G-Sib
Analysis of banks’ risk indicators suggest combined entity could have larger systemic footprint than ING and BPCE
Deutsche curbs CVA charges to record low
Addition of hedges in Q2 helps cut RWAs by 26%, outpacing other European banks
Sovereign ‘greenium’ differs more than you might think
Term structure data shows wide variation in yields for green sovereign debt, argues economist
Shift to SEC-SA pushes Helaba’s charges for securitisation exposures to record high
Standardised RWAs account for 63% of the bank’s total following fivefold increase
Open position concentration hits record high at top CCPs
LCH, Nasdaq and Eurex report biggest quarterly jumps among 16 clearing houses
Decoding the decoupling in US and eurozone inflation
ECB rates cut and Fed’s refusal to follow suit point to differing fundamentals in stateside and EU economies
At BayernLB, Nykredit and Erste, op risk charges hit multi-year highs
Annual model recalibrations responsible for double-digit rises
Falling T2 balances bode well for eurozone’s stability
Impact of fragmentation would be less severe today than in 2010s, says Marcello Minenna
Pension funds eye 30-year Bunds as swap spread tightens
Long-dated bonds continue to cheapen versus euro swaps, and some think they might fall further
People: UBS rejigs EQD, risk head departs; Rustad joins buy side, and more
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