Barney Frank
Financial reform to be decided in US
US financial reform edges closer as legislators prepare for the reconcilation of the House and Seante bills
OTC reforms built to last?
Reform of derivatives markets is gathering pace in the US ahead of a crucial debate in the House of Representatives. But questions remain over exemptions for corporate hedgers and foreign exchange swaps and forwards, meaning the final architecture of the…
House committee chairmen produce roadmap to OTC reform
Collin Peterson and Barney Frank, the chairmen of the US House Committee on Agriculture and the House Financial Services Committee, respectively, have agreed a set of principles for imminent reforms to over-the-counter derivatives regulation.
Definition of 'standardised' OTC derivatives will be broad, says Geithner
Full regulation of all over-the-counter derivatives will use a broad and flexible definition of 'standardised' OTC contracts while regulators will seek to crack down on end-users seeking to customise trades to escape central clearing, US Treasury…