HM Treasury
European regulators issue Brexit relief for UK pension funds
Some EU watchdogs are not enforcing mandatory clearing for trades between region’s banks and UK pension schemes
The lonely Londoners: doubts plague UK quest for equivalence
Planned MoU won’t automatically bring equivalence, leaving firms in limbo for unknown duration
UK and EU diverge on contractual swap stays
UK scraps pre-resolution stays, while EU regulators could opt for even stricter measures
November 9: the day the Brexodus started?
The UK Treasury’s equivalence verdict is a positive gesture, but could backfire if not reciprocated
EU defers legal fix to Brexit swaps trading ban on branches
Efforts to address duplicate Mifir trading obligations stymied by UK-EU negotiations
UK’s tough legacy fix spells trouble for US Libor transition
FCA will have little control over how synthetic Libor rates are used in other jurisdictions
Attention turns to Esma after UK quashes CSDR buy-ins
Esma launched informal review just before UK Treasury opted out of settlement regime
Growing sanctions raise compliance risk for energy firms
Sanctions increase risk for energy firms as regulators step up enforcement, writes maritime data expert
Firms fear Mifid-style reporting crunch for Brexit day one
Operational clarity still needed to fully implement system changes in time for April 1
HM Treasury’s Brexit surprise
Statutory instruments throw up unwieldy divergence in Mifid II and Emir rules
Industry fears EU ‘Google tax’ will hit trading venues, CCPs
Broad wording of digital services tax could place market infrastructure in firing line
UK Treasury never analysed impact of risk weights for EU debt
Risk weight move seen as political threat to EU sovereign issuance to force Brexit equivalence deal
'No-deal' Brexit would add risk weights to EU government bonds
HSBC has most sovereign exposures that could attract higher capital charges among big UK banks
Brexit dims hopes for Solvency II change in UK
Lawyers say political tensions may have killed off chance of reform, following PRA U-turn
Lenders save £200 million as UK bank levy shrinks
Aggregate levy brings in £206 million less year-on-year across five largest banks
A Brexit financial services deal and the 12 tasks of Hammond
UK call for turbo-charged equivalence with the EU faces big hurdles
EU regulators urged to give guarantees on Brexit transition
UK banks and insurers want legal protection in case a political deal breaks down
EU regulators consider Mifid electronic trading lock-out
Moves to restrict third-country firms from offering direct electronic access blamed on Brexit
Banks under pressure to boost treasury risk oversight
Credit Suisse among banks that have expanded their second line of defence, conference hears
Bank treasury transformed: Looking ahead to 2020
Sponsored webinar: Misys
The funding invariance principle
Youssef Elouerkhaoui shows how the choice of discounting rate is irrelevant for pricing
FVA models overstate costs – poll
Just over two-thirds say the current FVA approach is wrong
Global firms reduce onshore China funding costs via cash pooling
Extension of cross-border scheme beyond Shanghai FTZ welcomed by corporate treasurers
The black art of FVA, part III: a $4 billion mistake?
Quants argue banks are inflating FVA; Crédit Agricole among those weighing new approach