Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG)
Global banks boost Level 3 assets to new highs
European lenders and UBS-Credit Suisse merger fuelled rise in hard-to-value instruments in 2023
Anticipating rate hike, MUFG offloaded ¥4trn of Japan government bonds
Lender reduces holdings to lowest in over a decade
People: New brooms at NatWest and Tradeweb; MUFG splits rates, and more
Latest job changes across the industry
Japanese banks far apart on credit model efficiency under Basel III
MUFG lowered credit and CCR charges the most among country’s top dealers
Japanese banks reap ¥9trn RWA savings from FRTB switch
Tokyo’s dealers fare better than overseas rivals on new CVA and market risk approaches
People: Citi lures JPM private bank CRO, Körner crowns Credit Suisse exits, and more
Latest job changes across the industry
People: Isda taps four new directors, O’Callaghan joins CA, Berlinski quits Goldman, and more
Latest job changes across the industry
Japanese megabanks shun internal models as FRTB bites
Isda AGM: All in-scope banks opt for standardised approach to market risk; Nomura eyes IMA in 2025
Japanese banks’ leverage ratios keep rising as BoJ relief becomes permanent
Norinchukin reaps largest benefit on eve of Covid-19-era exemption being made permanent
Goldman, Barclays, MUFG reap largest G-Sib score cuts
Compressions driven by reductions in complexity and cross-border activity
Mirfendereski joins MUFG as inflation head
Former HSBC inflation chief joins Japanese bank in London after study break
Post-Brexit divergence puts EU subsidiaries on the rack
Banks face choice between higher staffing costs or over-engineered processes at UK headquarters
Citi propels G-Sibs’ OTC derivatives notionals to nine-year high
Bank leapfrogged Goldman as fourth-largest derivatives dealer after 20% jump over 2022
UBS, three Chinese banks face higher capital surcharges
Credit Suisse and UniCredit dropped from G-Sib list in latest systemic risk assessment
Wells Fargo has thinnest TLAC headroom globally
Bail-in funds sat 8% above required amount at end-June, smallest gap among the 25 banks subject to the standard
Norinchukin’s RWAs up 21% as Basel III formulas react to market volatility
Market charges up 230% in harsh test of new standardised approaches
US-regulated IHCs retrench from VAR limits
Largest daily trading losses in Q2 were on average 50% of forecast, down from 102% in Q1
US G-Sibs’ OTC derivatives hit record $243 trillion
JP Morgan leads US dealers in boosting notional amounts during volatile first quarter
Op risk data: Credit Suisse hit for $900m in offshore trust bust
Also: Goldman boys’ club gets the boot; HSBC double whammy; Havilland’s economic sabotage plan. Data by ORX News
Japanese banks hike BoJ deposits by 12%
Deposits at central bank hit three-year high at end-March, as lenders sought safe haven amid wider turmoil
MUFG’s settlement risk surges fourteenfold
Risk-weighted assets for Japanese lender’s unsettled transactions cross ¥300 billion mark in the first three months of 2023