Lifetime achievement award: Lance Uggla
Risk awards 2012
Middleware vendors face turf war with Sefs
Cutting out the middleware?
LCH.Clearnet appoints new CEO of CDSClear
UK-based clearer appoints Markit's former fixed-income director as chief executive of CDS clearing service
Illiquidity holding back CCDS, despite Basel III endorsement
Where is the liquidity?
Technology Development of the Year: MarkitServ – CCP middleware
Asia Risk Awards 2011
European debt twilight zone claims Société Générale
Markets turn against French banks in general - and SG in particular - on a day short on solid news and long on rumours
Best third-party valuation provider: Markit
Best third-party valuation provider: Markit
Isda AGM: Fed letters 'not a waste of time', banks argue
Industry defends decision to set up recently sidelined TriOptima rates repository and argues voluntary commitments have value
Index roundup
Index roundup
Portuguese CDS spreads down on ECB bond purchase rumours
Nuclear generators improve as Fukushima stabilises, Egypt down after Libyan ceasefire
Portuguese CDS spreads widen in quiet eurozone markets
Ted spread on the rise as eurozone sovereigns remain stable
Record highs for Greek CDS raise market concern
Greek sovereign risk continues to rise on haircut fears
Irish CDS spreads improve as coalition talks move forward
Fine Gael-Labour government expected soon
Bahrain CDSs tighten again in quiet markets
Sovereign risk largely unchanged in early trading
CDS spreads remain volatile in north Africa and Middle East
Spreads widen in Egypt and Bahrain as popular protests continue across the region
Egyptian risk perception up again as Mubarak steps down
CDS spreads widen substantially in run-up to resignation of Egypt's president
Egyptian risk perception up again after Mubarak speech
CDS spreads spike as beleaguered president refuses to leave
Sovereign CDS markets unworried in early trading
Protests continued, but Middle East and north African government risk largely unchanged
Continued protests keep Egyptian CDS spreads volatile
Eurozone risk perceptions fall while Egypt remains on a knife edge
Irish credit rating downgraded while CDS spreads fall across eurozone
Meanwhile, Egyptian spreads narrow despite ongoing political turmoil
Markit offers exposure to emerging markets sovereign debt
Markit offers exposure to emerging markets sovereign debt
Markit bows CDS index volumes data
New numbers sourced from DTCC scrubbed to reflect real levels of risk-taking in the market
Hedging spurs growth in credit swaptions
Market jitters and lower bid/offer spreads promote growth in credit swaptions
Credit spreads edge inwards in hours before Irish budget
Sovereign and corporate CDS tighten as Irish government prepares to announce austerity measures.