Lloyds Banking Group

Contingency plans

Following recent issues of contingent capital by Lloyds Banking Group and Rabobank, other firms are eyeing similar issuance as a means of meeting higher capital requirements in a cost-effective way. But the Basel Committee, which is due to discuss the…

A choice of credit ratings

Investors can choose between a Triple B and a Single A rated bank issuer in this five-year rollover plan, and receive different coupon payments on the basis of this choice as long as index levels at the product’s anniversaries are above the strike level

Disposal expert

John Crompton, head of market investments at UK Financial Investments, talks to Alexander Campbell

UK may issue exchangeable gilts

The UK Treasury may issue bonds exchangeable into shares of Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB, according to the asset manager responsible for the government's stakes in the two banks.

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