Trouble in paradise

Healthy balance sheets, swollen liquidity reserves and positive cashflows should be the words every bondholder wants to hear, but they could spell bad news for credit investors in the US as companies prepare to reward equityholders

HSBC provides clients with forex charting tools

HSBC has begun rolling out a web-based currency data charting application from UK vendor TraderMade to its corporate and investment clients. The application, called FX Charting, will support trading and hedging strategy decisions.

Deutsche gets China derivatives licence

Deutsche Bank has become the latest institution to gain a licence to trade derivatives onshore in China. A Deutsche official in Singapore told RiskNews that the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) gave the German bank the go-ahead yesterday.

ABN Amro wins China derivatives licence

ABN Amro last week joined the elite group of foreign banks authorised to trade foreign exchange derivatives in China after winning a licence from regulator the China Banking Regulatory Commission, reports RiskNews’ sister publication, FX Week .

CSFB gets OK for derivatives in China

The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) authorised Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB) to launch a financial derivatives business in China last week, reports RiskNews’ sister publication, FX Week .

Dollar/yen break-out expected

Technical indicators suggest the dollar/yen exchange rate could be set to break out of the tight trading range it has been trapped in since June, says RiskNews’ sister publication, FX Week .

Oil price hits Asian currencies

Surging oil prices have put pressure on Asian currencies, but the impact has been magnified by other factors influencing the region, analysts told RiskNews’ sister publication, FX Week .

HSBC builds MBS team

HSBC has hired two people for its new mortgage-backed securities (MBS) business following the appointment of six people for its asset-backed securities (ABS) group.

Martin Wiedmann leaves UBS

The departure of Martin Wiedmann from UBS in Zurich last week sparked a guessing game among his peers over which bank he is set to join, reports RiskNews ' sister publication FX Week .

Banks draw up EU25 battle plans for FX

Far-sighted banks and brokers are drawing up their foreign exchange battle plans for the Europe that will be enlarged by the ten new member states joining this weekend, reports RiskNews' sister publication FX Week .

HSBC names new London chief

HSBC will have a new head of European and Middle Eastern foreign exchange in London in early May, when Andrew Brown transfers from Hong Kong to take on the key role, reports RiskNews' sister publication, FX Week .

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