Asia lenders usher in year of the virtual bank
The surge in online banking is informing risk technologies in traditional banks
Foreign exchange prime broker of the year: HSBC
Risk Awards 2020: UK bank manages risk in real time, while building tool to cut exposures up to 80%
Industry-led op risk taxonomy launches
Scheme aims to complement Basel classifications, ease peer comparison
JP Morgan usurps Deutsche as world’s largest derivatives bank
US bank increased notionals 5.9% in year to end-2018
Inflation derivatives house of the year: HSBC
UK bank takes CPI to new heights, while using guarantees to get big RPI trades over the line
G-Sibs eye simpler market risk calculations in Hong Kong
HKMA may need to ease rules on NMRFs to incentivise use of internal models
StanChart’s CVA charge jumps 39% in Q3
CVA accounts for an ever-increasing portion of the bank’s total counterparty credit risk
UK bank LCRs fall again in Q3, led by StanChart
Buildup of net cash outflow amounts erode liquidity coverage ratios
HSBC’s Elhedery: banks must protect whistleblowers
Corporate culture must respect and reward complainants; compensation could help, says markets chief
IFRS 9 capital relief saves Lloyds £768m
Phase-in measures ameliorate CET1 hit of higher loan-loss provisions
People moves: new global co-heads at Citi, Tran takes Asia-Pacific role at Crédit Agricole, RBC Capital Markets hires in sales, and more
Latest job changes across the industry
HK-China blockchain link tipped to boost trade finance
HSBC, StanChart and Bank of China welcome Hong Kong and China trade finance tie-up
Asia moves: HSBC hires Singapore liquidity chief, StanChart picks Asean head, and more
Latest job changes across industry
Hong Kong turmoil pushes HSBC’s credit loss charge higher
Third quarter expected credit loss charge was 62% higher than in Q2
People moves: ING fills two top roles, RBS confirms Rose as CEO, and more
Latest job changes across the industry
HSBC leads foreign banks in fed fund and repo borrowings
Large intermediate holding company money market borrowings equivalent to 15.9% of total assets
Asia moves: Credit Suisse appoints equity research head, Natixis makes string of hires, and more
Latest job changes across the industry
€STR swap trading gets under way
HSBC and JP Morgan strike first swap linked to the new euro short-term rate
Top UK banks cut CVA charges by 9% in Q2
Standard Chartered is only outlier among big five to see capital requirement rise
Among G-Sibs, Japanese and US banks see LCRs improve most
US systemic banks’ liquidity coverage still lags behind other G-Sibs
Higher retained earnings boost Barclays, Lloyds and RBS capital
Barclays and RBS legally transferred share premium account balances to retained earnings over last two years
Deploying agile analytics in the fight against fraud
Financial firms are under pressure to tackle the widespread problem of financial fraud. As the speed, scale and sophistication of fraudulent activity grows, a panel of financial crime experts reveal how firms can develop an agile analytics capability to…
Fed fund and repo borrowings top $1trn at big banks in Q2
JP Morgan had 16.8% of total outstanding borrowings of the largest banks at end-June
Tradeweb reveals package trading for swaps and bonds
New tool offers pricing and trading of sterling swap-bond combo