Federal Reserve
Risk managers leapfrog lending officers in bank hierarchy, says Greenspan
US Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan said risk managers are now overtaking loan officers in the decision-making hierarchy at financial institutions, with new quantitative risk management techniques a key factor behind this transition.
US swap spread narrowing set to continue
US swap spreads narrowed during the year’s first week of trading. But despite anticipation that the Fed will soon discontinue cutting interest rates, spreads will continue to be tight over the next few months, according to economic research from JP…
Op risk capital charge difficult to devise in imperfect Basel II, says US central banker
NEW YORK - The lack of an agreed methodology and credible loss data has made it extremely difficult to devise an operational capital risk charge under the terms of the Basel II bank capital accord, a senior US central banker acknowledged in mid-October.
Preparing for the worst
Small and medium-sized banks in the US and Europe are bracing themselves for Basel II. Gallagher Polyn examines how these institutions plan to adapt to the new Accord.
Fed arranges swap deals to smooth liquidity
The US Federal Reserve has agreed temporary swap arrangements with the European Central Bank (ECB), the Bank of England and the Bank of Canada designed to help international banks meet any shortfall of dollars needed to settle market positions created by…
The Op Risk questions which US banks must answer
US banking regulators want US banks to review and comment on all aspects of the new Basel capital adequacy accord proposed by global banking supervisors. The deadline for receiving comments is May 31, 2001.