European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)
Tranche warfare: uphill struggle for euro safe bonds
Junior tranche and regulatory impasse are key challenges for pan-eurozone sovereign bond-backed securities
Eurozone must lead search for doom-loop fix
Basel Committee working on sovereign risk, but eurozone has most at stake
Doomed loop: Europe gets creative on sovereign bond risks
Political and prudential risks in huge bond-holdings force experts to consider new ideas
EBA stress test ‘obsolete’ after Brexit vote
Experts call for a rethink on setting scenarios for future tests
Enria: new legislation can help bolster AT1 market
The EBA is also reconsidering its advice to the European Commission on the treatment of CVA risk
G-Sii process ‘out of touch’, says Axa’s Thimann
Interview: designation approach open to political influence, argues head of group strategy
Daily fund liquidity needs rethinking, say asset managers
Buy-side firms sceptical about liquidity metrics, but see need for fundamental change
Bernardino: systemic reinsurers should get no special treatment
Eiopa chairman speaks to on G-Siis, derivatives use and regulation of securities financing
Insurers should prep for questions on pro-cyclicality
Regulatory agenda shifting to systemic risk of herding
ESRB's buffer plan would worsen systemic risk – insurers
Industry and regulators at loggerheads over pro-cyclicality
UK insurance association slams ESRB report
'Very poorly timed' paper misses the point on pro-cyclicality, says ABI’s head of regulation
Capital hit from death of 0% sovereign weight 'not enormous'
Banks would have to raise equity equal to 0.7% of current levels, ESRB finds
ESRB narrows its macro-prudential tools
The European Systemic Risk Board is about to announce a slimmed-down list of potential macro-prudential tools, but who has the power to use them is still the subject of debate. By Michael Watt
ESRB fine-tunes macro-prudential toolkit
The ESRB slims down its proposed macro-prudential principals to focus on 15 key macro-prudential levers
Macro-prudential supervision: the case against
The financial crisis could have been averted if regulators had been allowed to prick the credit bubble as it was inflating – or so claim advocates of macro-prudential supervision. But not everyone agrees. By Laurie Carver
ECB compromise on Basel III adjustments gets mixed response
An ECB proposal for the European Systemic Risk Board to have oversight on whether European regulators can adjust Basel III for macro-prudential purposes gets a mixed response from central bankers
EU member states want to use judgement to set buffer rules, says working paper
EU Polish presidency paper highlights concerns over aspects of the counter-cyclical capital buffer rules under CRD IV