
Holding counterparty risk at arm’s length

Exchange-traded funds have been as exposed to talk of counterparty risk as the next structured product, although the risk is lower. Under the European Union's Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities III regulations, ETFs are…

Deutsche Börse pulls out of Euronext bid

German stock exchange operator Deutsche Börse has abandoned its effort to acquire pan-European derivatives exchange Euronext, clearing the path for the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

Atticus backs Euronext merger plans

Atticus Capital, a US hedge fund that holds 9% of the Euronext stock exchange, has encouraged Euronext to seek a merger with either Deutsche Borse or the New York Stock Exchange.

Euronext board favours NYSE offer at AGM

Euronext’s board looks set to use today’s annual general meeting in Amsterdam to build investor support for an €8 billion takeover bid from the owners of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). But shareholders still remain divided about the future of the…

Nasdaq buys into LSE

New York-based Nasdaq has taken a 14.99% stake in the London Stock Exchange, giving it a headstart over its rivals in the struggle for the London bourse.

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