Deutsche Borse

iBoxx licenses indexes for exchange-traded funds

Frankfurt-based indexing company iBoxx and Pennsylvania-based exchange-traded fund (ETF) company iShares have struck a deal to license iBoxx indexes as the basis for European fixed-income ETFs to be launched on Deutsche Börse. The new products are…

Deutsche Börse to release Neuer Sentiment Index

Deutsche Börse is set to release a new 'behaviour-oriented' equity index based on the Neuer Market – made up of 325 mainly German technology and high-growth companies – as a market information tool for dealers.

German exchanges offer US equity products

Deutsche Borse and Eurex, owned by Deutsche Borse and the Swiss Exchange, have launched a tranche of new US stocks and futures to be traded in Europe. The initiative is designed to enable members to trade 10 euro-denominated stock options on US equities,…

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