Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)
Credit derivatives disclosure still lacking, says Basel Committee
The disclosure by banks related to their credit mitigation techniques is still lacking, according to a survey released today by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. The survey analysed public disclosure by banks in 2001 and found that, although…
Standardised approach may receive op risk charge cut, says ECB official
The operational risk charge related to the Basel II ‘standardised approach’ may be cut in the third consultative paper (CP3) due for release next month by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, according to Panagiotis Strouzas, a senior expert in…
IMF study shows Basel weaknesses in offshore centres
Many offshore centres have weaknesses in the on- and off-site supervision of their banking systems, as well as "less material weaknesses" in their credit supervision and market risk, according to a study by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
New chairman for Committee on Global Financial System
Roger Ferguson, vice-chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, was named chairman of the Basel-based Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS), the Bank for International Settlements said today.
US Risk Management Association appoints new operational risk head
Charles Taylor has been appointed director of operational risk at the 88-year-old Risk Management Association (RMA), based in Philadelphia, a 3,000-member organisation catering primarily to US commercial banks, community banks and some global investment…
Basel II asset securitisation paper issued
Global banking regulators yesterday issued their delayed working paper on the treatment of asset securitisations under the complex, risk-based Basel II bank capital accord.
Regulators call on banks to focus on cross-border e-banking risks
Banks need to integrate cross-border electronic banking risks into their overall risk management framework, the Basel Committee said in a paper released today.
Nash joins the Royal Bank of Scotland
Ralph Nash, previously with the secretariat of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in Basel, Switzerland, joined the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBOS) in July as London-based Basel II operational risk co-ordinator for the RBOS group.
FOA slams single European market plans for commodity derivatives
The London-based Futures and Options Association (FOA) today said it was concerned that plans to include commodity derivatives within the European Commission’s new Investment Services Directive (ISD) and related Capital Adequacy Directive (CAD) could…
FOA slams single European market plans for commodity derivatives
The London-based Futures and Options Association (FOA) today said it was concerned that plans to include commodity derivatives within the European Commission’s new Investment Services Directive (ISD) and related Capital Adequacy Directive (CAD) could…
US Comptroller wants attractive advanced approaches to op risk
The best way of resolving arguments about whether operational risk capital charges are suitable for banks is to make advanced op risk measurement approaches, such as the scorecard method, attractive to banks, US Comptroller of the Currency John Hawke…
QIS3 survey delay puts back Basle II accord to 2006
Regulator determination to get a key survey of banks right was a major factor in the decision to postpone again the coming-into-effect of the complex Basle II banking accord until late 2006 from an undetermined date in 2005, banking regulators said in…
EU postpones new bank rules following Basel II delay
The European Commission has postponed the coming into effect of its own plans for risk-based bank regulation by at least a year, following the further delay to the controversial Basel II bank Accord, Commission officials said.
Basel regulators still hoping for 2005 date
The Basel II bank capital adequacy Accord could still come into effect by 2005, although the date does hang in the balance, international regulatory sources said.
Basel cuts op risk charge benchmark to 12%
Global banking regulators will base their proposed capital charge for operational risk on a 12% benchmark, down from the controversial 20% originally proposed.
Basel issues best practice in audit function
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has issued a best practice paper on the need for co-ordination between banks, their internal and external auditors, and supervisors that highlights the responsibility board directors have with regard to risk…
Reconciling ratings
Basel II
Regulatory capital volatility
Basel II
The maturity offset problem
VaR-x: Fat tails in financial risk management
To ensure a competent regulatory framework with respect to value-at-risk (VaR) for establishing a bank's capital adequacy requirements, as promoted by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the parametric approach for estimating VaR needs to…
Basle Agrees To In-House Risk Modelling