Structured products
Index roundup
Index roundup
ETF roundup
ETF roundup
The challenge of standardising sharia compliance
Seeking harmony
Editorial: Ratings in moderation
Theam puts the stress on customisation
The next step
Forex structurers get it wrong
Forex's unreliable fortunes
The quest for the perfect tail risk solution
Tools for tackling tail risk
Guaranteed returns on Desjardins' menu
The garden of guarantees
Retail Distribution Review holds no fear for Meteor
Relishing the RDR
Esma: overburdened and under-resourced?
Esma under pressure
Structured Products Espana: Grappling with regulation
The hunt for silver linings
Deutsche Bank names Chris Lee's replacements in Asia
Chan and Bakshi in for Lee at Deutsche
Market snapshot
Market snapshot
Trade of the month: investment strategies
Trade of the month: investment strategies
Product performance
Product performance
FVC custom indexes
FVC Custom Indexes
RBS digital product caters to multiple outlooks
The rule of three
Unicredit note offers capped returns on Euribor
At a sprint
HSBC goes for digital growth on the DJIA
Buffered performance
Surge in emerging markets ETF investments in January, as ETF providers lean towards Latin American products
Emerging markets equity ETFs took a big hit in 2011. But since the start of the new year there has been a surge of investor interest in these products. And State Street and iShares are both favouring Latin America
Institutional investors to favour more active, smart beta approach to commodities
Seeking performance while at the same time increasingly needing to control risk makes smart beta thematic index approaches such as low volatility, minimum variance and risk-weighted strategies increasingly appealing to institutional investors allocating…