Zone-wide prediction of generating unit-specific power outputs for electricity grid congestion forecasts
This paper explores various statistical and statistical learning methods, with the goal of adequately predicting the on/off status and power output levels of all power plants within a control zone.
Option pricing using high-frequency futures prices
The authors examine two potential routes to improve the outcome of option pricing: extracting the variance from futures prices instead of the underlying asset prices, and calculating the variance in different frequencies with intraday data instead of…
Clearing away after Brexit?
This paper analyzes, from a legal perspective, the new framework, the roles and responsibilities of the European Central Bank, ESMA and the European Commission, and the possible outcomes for UK CCPs once Brexit is complete.
Causality between oil prices and exchange rates: a quantile-on-quantile analysis
This study examines the causal link between the crude oil price and the exchange rate in five major oil-exporting countries (Saudi Arabia, Russia, Canada, the United Arab Emirates and the United States) that have recently adopted different exchange rate…
Corporate equity performance and changes in firm characteristics
The authors' findings affirm prior work illustrating the importance of profitability, size, liquidity, momentum and market returns, although we observe minimal evidence of the importance of investment in capital expenditures.
What drives the January seasonality in the illiquidity premium? Evidence from international stock markets
This study is, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the first attempt to comprehensively examine and explain the January effect in the illiquidity premium.
Uncertain risk parity
This paper treats covariance as uncertain in order to find a risk parity weighting that does not count on perfectly optimized hedges and is robust to changes in regime.
The trade-off between liquidity risk and counterparty risk in money market networks
The authors examine how liquidity is exchanged in different types of Colombian money market networks (ie, secured, unsecured and the central bank’s repurchase networks) as registered in the local financial market infrastructure.
Quant investing in cluster portfolios
This paper discusses portfolio construction for investing in N given assets, eg, constituents of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) or large cap stocks, based on partitioning the investment universe into clusters.
Portfolio allocation based on expected profit and loss measures
The authors formulate the portfolio allocation problem from a trading point of view, allowing both long and short positions and taking trading and interest rate costs into account.
The price of Bitcoin: GARCH evidence from high-frequency data
This is the first paper that estimates the price determinants of Bitcoin in a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) framework using high-frequency data.
A general framework for the identification and categorization of risks: an application to the context of financial markets
This paper is, to the best of the authors' knowledge, the first to develop an algorithm-based and generally applicable framework that generates an extensive and integrated identification and categorization scheme of certain risks by using text mining and…
Risk measures: a generalization from the univariate to the matrix-variate
This paper develops a method for estimating value-at-risk and conditional value-at-risk when the underlying risk factors follow a beta distribution in a univariate and a matrix-variate setting.
The economic cost of a fat finger mistake: a comparative case study from Samsung Securities’s ghost stock blunder
This paper quantifies the economic cost of Samsung Securities’s ghost stock blunder using the synthetic control method.
A descriptive analysis of the client clearing network in the European derivatives landscape
The authors present the findings of a detailed descriptive analysis of client clearing activity for derivatives in the euro area, as well as that of clearing members more broadly.
An empirical analysis of bill payment choices
The aim of this paper is to examine which payment instruments Canadians use for paying bills and to assess the factors driving their bill payment behavior.
The price of liquidity in the reinsurance of fund returns
The authors consider a new type of contract for insuring the returns of hedge funds and aim to extend downside protection to an investment portfolio beyond the first tranche of losses insured by first-loss fee structures, which have become increasingly…
Modeling realized volatility with implied volatility for the EUR/GBP exchange rate
This paper concerns the application of implied volatility in modeling realized volatility in the daily, weekly and monthly horizon using high-frequency data for the EUR/GBP exchange rate.
A numerical simulation approach to study systemic risk in banking systems
The authors introduce a simple numerical algorithm to study banking systems subject to credit risk. The algorithm is based on a model that is completely defined by only two parameters.
Predicting payment migration in Canada
The authors employ historical LVTS and ACSS data and use the discrete choice demand estimation approach to uncover end users’ and financial institutions’ preferences when deciding which payment instruments and payment systems, respectively, to use.
The CTMC–Heston model: calibration and exotic option pricing with SWIFT
This work presents an efficient computational framework for pricing a general class of exotic and vanilla options under a versatile stochastic volatility model.
Optimal electricity distribution pricing under risk and high photovoltaics penetration
The authors model a hierarchical Stackelberg game in a competitive power market under high behind-the-meter photovoltaics penetration and demand-side uncertainty, with emphasis on the feedback loop between distributed generation via photovoltaics and…
Calibration of local-stochastic and path-dependent volatility models to vanilla and no-touch options
In this paper, the authors consider a large class of continuous semi-martingale models and propose a generic framework for their simultaneous calibration to vanilla and no-touch options.
Using payments data to nowcast macroeconomic variables during the onset of Covid-19
Economic prediction during a crisis is challenging because of the unprecedented economic impact of such an event, which increases the unreliability of traditionally used linear models that employ lagged data. The authors help to address this challenge by…