Technology and Data

Advances in technology and data are transforming every facet of the capital markets. From banks deploying sophisticated analytics to better model capital exposures, or leveraging cloud technology to scale stress-testing capabilities and build new risk applications. To asset managers sifting alternative data to gain competitive insight or using intelligent algorithms to activate trading strategies in milliseconds,’s coverage explores the potential and limitations of new technologies such as AI, machine learning and blockchain, and the challenges for regulators in keeping pace with cutting-edge innovation.

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Data analytics set to fuel change in the oil market

Privileged data insight is no longer the sole preserve of the world’s oil conglomerates. Access to insightful analytics is providing a new competitive edge for smaller and mid-sized commercial and trading firms in the oil market, helping them navigate…

Building resilience into ESG risk management

Risk and resilience continue to play an important role in the navigation of an increasingly uncertain world. Fusion Risk Management explores why it is equally crucial for technology to support organisations in addressing pertinent environmental, social…

Data-driven execution: looking back to see forward

Reviewing favourable outcomes and attempting to replicate them is by no means a new concept across the capital markets. Portfolio managers, execution professionals and risk managers use this principle to drive their decisions, although it is really only…

Next-generation technologies and the future of trading

At a webinar in association with capital markets technology provider Numerix, panellists discuss the potential for increased adoption of the public cloud to boost investment performance, its impact on risk management and overcoming barriers to…

Navigating UMR with the right partnership

The importance of uncleared margin rules (UMR) was brought sharply into view by the collapse of Archegos Capital Management at the end of March, resulting in more than $10 billion in losses at several prime brokers. IHS Markit considers how partnerships…

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