
A non-linear PDE for XVA by forward Monte Carlo

Vladimir Piterbarg considers a non-linear partial differentiation equation that appears in a number of XVA-related contexts, including a one-way credit-support annex, credit value adjustment with risky closeout, option pricing with differential borrowing…

American options: time-critical pricing

Time constraints can be binding for ‘heavy’ Monte Carlo calculations of risk analytics – value-at-risk, potential future exposure, credit valuation adjustment – in intraday risk monitoring, so fast approximations are sometimes preferred. Vladislav…

Credit exposure models backtesting for Basel III

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has introduced strict regulatory guidance on how to validate and backtest internal model methods for credit exposure. Fabrizio Anfuso, Dimitrios Karyampas and Andreas Nawroth incorporate these guidelines into a…

Regulatory costs break risk neutrality

Regulations impose idiosyncratic capital and funding costs for holding derivatives. Idiosyncratic costs mean that no single measure makes derivatives martingales for all market participants. Chris Kenyon and Andrew Green demonstrate that regulatory…

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