A fund experience
The introduction of the EIF has resulted in a considerable rise in the number of Isle of Man-domiciled hedge funds
Valuation process
Calculating an accurate NAV for certain hedge fund strategies is not as straightforward a process as some may believe
The luck of them
Ireland has become well-known as the home for establishing offshore hedge funds, thanks to its specialist listing regime
Untapped potential
While well known for its banking industry, Switzerland still falls below standard for the financial services it offers which can be described as standard rather than bespoke
Lawyers investigate following collapse of Beacon Hill funds
european investors examining possible civil action against us group
Read the small print
With prime brokers becoming an increasingly powerful force in the market, how closely should hedge fund managers examine the underlying agreements with their chosen provider?
New Star Capital Guaranteed fund is 100% invested in cash
Booming Bermuda
Hedge funds can be set up with a relative ease in Bermuda ' it's just a matter of knowing where to start and getting to grips with the regulations
Reference published to aid new hedge fund managers
aima and goldman sachs produce alternatives reference manual
Does Spanish regulation need to change before hedge funds can flourish?
A growing retired population in Spain could see the country set for the hedge fund market
Fund of funds offer wide scope
Examining the tax and regulatory differences compared to single manager portfolios
Spanish regulators reinforce hedge funds' exposure limits
Open-Ended ucits fund of funds forced to reduce holdings
The Italian attraction
Tax incentives are enticing investors to the Italian hedge fund market, to such an extent that the market is expected to double by the end of 2002.
Regulators consider opening hedge funds up to retail investors
Hedge fund operators ready themselves for momentus operational changes to their marketing strategies
Shopping around
Investment companies are increasingly finding London a viable and attractive option to obtain a listing