Central banks
Catching the Basel ‘tail wind’
The headaches of op risk integration
The banking industry, spurred by Basel II, is acquiring systems to cope with the host of disparate issues that fall under the rubric of 'operational risk'. But how do you stitch these piecemeal solutions together?
Ferguson named chairman of FSF
Roger Ferguson, vice-chairman of the Board of Governors of the US Federal Reserve System, was named chairman of the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) today.
Hong Kong regulator cracks down on money laundering compliance
HONG KONG - Banks in the Special Administrative Region are up against a tight deadline for implementing new anti-money laundering requirements, but the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) is not going to move its September cut-off date.
Japanese banks need to improve op risk management, says BOJ
TOKYO - Some Japanese financial institutions need to improve their op risk management, according to a report released in March by the Bank of Japan (BOJ).
Best of breed
Cofiri’s risk transformation
Investment banking
Flies in the ointment
Outstanding issues
On a wing and a prayer
Eye of the storm
Catastrophe bonds
Japanese banks need to improve op risk management, says BOJ
Hong Kong regulator cracks down on money laundering compliance
Buffett, buy-in and Basel at Isda AGM
New angles
Japanese banks: Turning up the heat
Japan's banks have faced a gruelling few months in the run-up to the fiscal year-end, with a plunge in equity prices putting severe pressure on capital ratios. But a further crisis may be just around the corner, writes Nick Sawyer.
Derivatives disclosure calls mount
Warren Buffett's stinging critique of the derivatives business in March represents the latest call for more derivatives disclosure. But despite some notable moves in this direction, most financial institutions remain stubbornly opaque.
Profile: JP Morgan treasury services moves beyond measurement
"We've got to an environment were there are enough scorecards and metrics in place," says Angus Grandfield, head of operational risk for the treasury services division of JP Morgan Chase's Europe, Middle East, and Africa region.
BIS publishes raft of papers
The Bank for International Settlements published online a number of papers that cover a variety of aspects of the Basel II proposals. The papers were presented at a workshop organized by the Basel Committee and the Banca D'Italia in late March.
Risk 2003 Europe: Liquidity risk best practice needed, says Nordea’s Hansen
The absence of either established best practice or sufficient academic theory in the area of liquidity risk management is problematic, said Mads Smith Hansen at the eighth annual Risk Europe conference in Paris yesterday.
Isda AGM: BOJ reiterates intention to purchase corporate ABS
The Bank of Japan (BOJ) today reiterated its intention to buy asset-backed securities from small and medium sized companies in an unprecedented move to remedy the ills of the Japanese financial system.
Trichet calls for more transparency, especially for credit derivatives
Jean-Claude Trichet, governor of the Bank of France, said transparency is essential to prevent a "herd mentality" in the financial market that can create artificial swings in market prices.
Standardised approach may receive op risk charge cut, says ECB official
The operational risk charge related to the Basel II 'standardised approach' may be cut in the third consultative paper (CP3) due for release next month by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, according to Panagiotis Strouzas, a senior expert in…