Equities are the best bet for 2006
Back to basics, back to long/short stock funds, say many fund of hedge funds managers
Every cloud's silver lining
The long and short of M&A
Cazenove's Tim Russell has been on the wrong end of bidding activity and has missed the resources boom in his UK hedge fund, each theme beguiling many of his peers. Even so, the manager has met his target of achieving 10% returns in his UK Equity…
All eyes on the Fed in developing Asia
asia ex-japan
Institutional-strength firepower
Neill Brennan's trading focus now is on European equities for Armajaro AM's market-neutral Coolum fund. However, his first focus upon joining Armajaro was to establish an institutional-strength company, says David Walker
UK managers take long bias into 2006
uk equity hedge
Inflows from the mainstream
cayman islands roundtable: boutiques and the mainstream
Leverage, liquidity and concentration: the key aspects of hedge fund risk
funds of hedge funds risk management
Cream of the crop
Standing up and being counted
fund of funds fees
Hedge funds dig deep in direct corporate loan market
direct loans
Copper-bottomed pot of gold
The future of forecasting
robert sanders
The way forward
cayman islands roundtable
The fine art of spotting and measuring hedge fund risk
academic paper
Beyond Universal appeal
Risk, not returns, governs the way Stenham Advisors look at managing money. And after a century in the business, who's to say they're wrong - certainly not investors, whose assets with Stenham have just passed $1billion.
Prime brokers - the real winners of hedge fund industry growth?
service provision: prime broking
Do funds of hedge funds really add value for investors?
academic paper
Safe as houses: diversity of views attracts hedge funds to property
property derivatives
Members only
family office club
David tackles global equity's Goliaths
global equity