Leverage, liquidity and concentration: the key aspects of hedge fund risk
funds of hedge funds risk management
The ins and outs of Islamic investment
special report: the gulf and hedge funds
Cream of the crop
The Middle East market for hedge funds: a reality, or a mirage?
special report: the gulf and hedge funds
The 'capacity effect' conundrum
academic paper
Standing up and being counted
fund of funds fees
A case of too many cooks?
strategy focus: funds of funds vs multi-strategy
Copper-bottomed pot of gold
The future of forecasting
robert sanders
Targeting the family office market
investor groups: family offices
The way forward
cayman islands roundtable
The fine art of spotting and measuring hedge fund risk
academic paper
Beyond Universal appeal
Risk, not returns, governs the way Stenham Advisors look at managing money. And after a century in the business, who's to say they're wrong - certainly not investors, whose assets with Stenham have just passed $1billion.
LBO funds steer their steady course
leveraged buy-outs
Do funds of hedge funds really add value for investors?
academic paper
Members only
family office club
When great minds don't think alike
funds of hedge funds
Many happy returns as Observatory Capital fund enjoys its first birthday
In a grizzly year for credit, Observatory Capital's Credit Markets fund has celebrated its first birthday with a 27% gift for its early investors
Index fees: what you don't know could hurt you
Christopher sugrue