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Credit derivatives – looking forward in a time of change
Sponsored video: MarketAxess
Lions' Den Series 2: Advice For The Cubs
Hedge Funds Review and Eurex invited successful candidate Patrick Boyle, Palomar Investments, and hedge fund investor ‘Lion’ Andrew McCaffery, Aberdeen Asset Management, into the studios to speak with Renaud Huck, Eurex Exchange-Deutsche Börse Group.
Connecting global energy
Sponsored feature: E.ON
IBM Algo Credit Manager
Content provided by IBM
EU ETS risk and climate risk
Sponsored statement: Vertis
Fundamentally uncertain
Content provided by IBM and Risk.net
Evolving post-trade requirements in the new regulatory environment
Sponsored feature: DTCC
Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for liquidity risk management systems 2014
Content provided by IBM
BCBS 239 – Principles for effective risk data aggregation and reporting
Sponsored forum: Risk data aggregation and risk reporting
Fundamentally challenging: How banks are getting to grips with FRTB
Content provided by IBM
Managing risk in agricultural commodities
Adapting to change in agricultural commodities markets
A swap dealer’s products and services should offer the necessary flexibility and control to respond in real time to market volatility and changing business dynamics
The role of technology in commodities trading and risk management
Sponsored feature: Murex
Biofuels go global
Sponsored feature: SCB & Associates
Hedging commodity exposure in international markets
Sponsored feature: CME Group
Finding and retaining trading talent in a competitive agricultural job market
Sponsored feature: Commodity Appointments
Managing external pressures at agricultural organisations
Organisations that remain active in markets such as agricultural trading have been forced to rethink risk management and trading, reformulating strategies to tackle this brand new financial world
The future of risk
Sponsored video: MSCI
Risk Books: Risk Culture and Effective Risk Governance
Patricia Jackson discusses her new book and the different factors that influence an effective risk culture.
Eiopa Insurance Stress Test – Should alarm bells be ringing?
Sponsored feature: Pimco
Custody Risk European Awards 2014: Securities Services Provider of the Year
Sponsored feature: BNP Paribas Securities Services
Custody Risk European Awards 2014: Custodian of the Year: France
Sponsored feature: BNP Paribas Securities Services
Custody Risk European Awards 2014: European Custodian of the Year
Sponsored feature: BNP Paribas Securities Services
Custody Risk European Awards 2014: Asset Servicing Technology Vendor of the Year
Sponsored feature: SS&C Technologies