Technical paper/Backtesting
Dissecting initial margin forecasts: models, limitations and backtesting
The authors demonstrate that initial margin is not value-at-risk, but its approximation, and suggest a generic backtesting and verification framework that accommodates both forecasting limitations and existing models.
Assessing the potential profitability of automated power market trading using event signals sourced from grid frequency data
The authors put forward a profitable trading strategy based on power grid events, demonstrating that minimized reaction times can increase profits.
Using a skewed exponential power mixture for value-at-risk and conditional value-at-risk forecasts to comply with market risk regulation
The authors investigate a method that combines two skewed exponential power distributions and models the conditional forecasting of VaR and CVaR and is in compliance with the recent Basel framework for market risk.
Bayesian backtesting for counterparty risk models
Utilising Bayesian methods, the authors put forward a new means for counterparty risk model backtesting which is both simple to implement and conceptually sound.
What can we expect from a good margin model? Observations from whole-distribution tests of risk-based initial margin models
This paper offers a means of testing initial margin models based on their predictions of the whole future distribution of returns of the relevant portfolio which is demonstrated to be more powerful than typical backtesting approaches.
Estimating risks of European option books using neural stochastic differential equation market models
The authors investigate how arbitrage-free neural stochastic differential equation market models can produce realistic scenarios for the joint dynamics of multiple European options on a single underlying and demonstrate how they can be used as a risk…
Value-at-risk and the global financial crisis
The authors investigate the forecasting ability of bank VaR estimates around the 2007-9 financial crisis using daily data from seven international banks, finding systemic overstating of VaR either side of the financial crisis and mixed performance during…
Semiparametric GARCH models with long memory applied to value-at-risk and expected shortfall
The authors introduce and apply new semiparametric GARCH models with long memory to obtain rolling one-step ahead forecasts for the value-at-risk and expected shortfall (ES) for market risk assets.
Evaluation of backtesting on risk models based on data envelopment analysis
In this study, different value-at-risk models, which are used to measure market risk, are analyzed under different estimation approaches and backtested with an alternative strategy.
Evaluation of backtesting techniques on risk models with different horizons
In this study different value-at-risk (VaR) models are analyzed under different estimation approaches (filtered historical simulation, extreme value theory and Monte Carlo simulation) and backtested with different techniques.
Backtesting of a probability of default model in the point-in-time–through-the-cycle context
This paper presents a backtesting framework for a probability of default model, assuming that the latter is calibrated to both point-in-time and through-the-cycle levels.
The impact of data aggregation and risk attributes on stress testing models of mortgage default
In this paper, the authors investigate how data aggregation and risk attributes affect the development and performance of stress testing models by studying residential mortgage loan defaults.
Measuring expected shortfall under semi-parametric expected shortfall approaches: a case study of selected Southern European/Mediterranean countries
In this paper, the authors investigate the applicability of semi-parametric approaches for estimating expected shortfall.
Backtesting expected shortfall: a simple recipe?
In this paper, the authors introduce a new ES backtesting framework based on the duality between coherent risk measures and scale-invariant performance measures.
The minimally biased backtest for ES
Acerbi and Szekely present a backtest for expected shortfall
The efficiency of the Anderson–Darling test with a limited sample size: an application to backtesting counterparty credit risk internal models
This paper presents a theoretical and empirical evaluation of the Anderson–Darling test when the sample size is limited.
Credit portfolio stress testing using transition matrixes
In this paper, the authors propose a new methodology for modeling credit transition probability matrixes (TPMs) using macroeconomic factors.
Validation of the backtesting process under the targeted review of internal models: practical recommendations for probability of default models
This paper provides practical recommendations for the validation of the backtesting process under the targeted review of internal models (TRIM).
Incorporating volatility in tolerance intervals for pair-trading strategy and backtesting
This paper incorporates volatility forecasting via the exponentially weighted moving average model into traditional tolerance limits for pair-trading strategies, and illustrates how the proposed method helps uncover arbitrage opportunities via the daily…
A comprehensive evaluation of value-at-risk models and a comparison of their performance in emerging markets
This paper aims to evaluate the performance of different value-at-risk (VaR) calculation methods, allowing the authors to identify models that are valid for use in emerging markets.
Back to backtesting: integrated backtesting for value-at-risk and expected shortfall in practice
This paper aims to reflect the current state of the discussion on the validation of market risk forecasts by means of backtesting.