Conflicts of interest
Iosco pre-hedging review: more RFQs than answers
Latest proposals leave observers weighing new clampdown on pre-hedging
Clearing members rattled as CME approved to launch its own FCM
National Futures Association registration sharpens concerns about conflict of interest with CCP
CDS market revamp aims to fix the (de)faults
Proposed makeover for determinations committees tackles concerns over conflicts of interest
Ruled out: can regulators settle the pre-hedging debate?
Market participants are at odds over the practice and whether regulation or principles can settle the score
Insurance double-hatters like Apollo can expect more scrutiny
Regulators are homing in on conflicts of interests at private-equity-owned insurers
Breaking with Behnam: inside the dysfunction at the CFTC
Policy and personality clashes have left the chairman isolated and slowed rulemaking activity to a crawl
Clearing members fear CFTC bending rules for crypto
Critics warn new framework for Bitnomial and LedgerX could undermine clearing integrity
SEC expected to protect CRT in conflicts of interest rule
Decision could come as early as today; high hopes for credit risk transfer exemption
Op risk data: TD Bank takes $95m pill for pyramid scheme
Also: GE settles after juicing asset manager sale; keeping conflicts of interest quiet. Data by ORX News
Court showdown looms for SEC private adviser rules
Legal victory for the regulator would establish new powers of prohibition, critics claim
We need to talk about pre-hedging
Dealers claim it’s a vital tool for managing risk. Clients say it’s open to abuse. How should regulators treat the problem child of financial markets?
Iosco takes aim at pre-hedging with new probe
Global standard-setter intends to release results of review in third quarter of 2024
SEC securitisation rule could hamper interest rate hedging
ABS participants say breadth of resurrected 2011 proposal creates compliance minefield
A crypto CCP is still a CCP
For crypto infrastructure rules, regulators need speed before perfection, says former BoE adviser
French resolution may lead EU to adopt US-style rules for PFOF
German and Czech proposals would also put kibosh on commission’s mooted ban on the practice
FTX failure resets US crypto legislative programme
Lawmakers expected to seek stronger customer protection; industry wants flexibility for DeFi
Brokers slam CME over ‘conflict of interest’ in FCM plan
Clearing members question how CME could be quasi-regulator as well as direct competitor
Portfolio rebalancing and seasonality in Canadian financial markets
Using Canadian data for the period 1957–2018, this paper provides evidence in support of portfolio rebalancing by professional portfolio managers.
Germany has enough support to block EU’s PFOF ban
Possible compromise would be using consolidated tape to benchmark best execution
Covid isn’t killing corporate entertaining – it’s dead, anyway
For a generation of bankers and vendors, client hospitality was part of life. But the party is winding down
Europe’s clampdown on fund outsourcing chills market
Esma proposals spark worries AIFMD review could wreck existing delegation models