BlackRock bucks trend in shrinking IRS market for Ucits
Counterparty Radar: Pimco boosts pay-fixed book by $27.5 billion in H1 2024
BNPP overtakes Barclays in Ucits single-name CDSs
Counterparty Radar: Europe’s retail funds shed notional but used wider range of underlyings, new data shows
Citi revealed as top index CDS dealer to Ucits funds
Counterparty Radar: Novel data shows US banks captured nearly 90% of uncleared notional volume in European markets
New data reveals Pimco is top Ucits interest rate swaps user
Counterparty Radar: US managers and dealers reign supreme in European retail fund space
Capital Group grows interest rates swaps book by 62%
Counterparty Radar: Aggregate notional of US mutual fund and ETF positions hit $957 billion in Q1
Vanguard stages swaptions comeback
Counterparty Radar: Deutsche grew book to $11 billion in Q1 to become largest non-US swaptions dealer to mutual funds
Data reveals hidden clockwork of FX forwards market
More than 70% of Vanguard’s volumes and nearly half of Pimco’s regularly occur on just four calendar days
Pimco doubles down on FX forwards trades in Q1
Counterparty Radar: Pimco accounted for nearly 60% of all notionals added by mutual funds
Citi halves swaptions book with US retail funds
Counterparty Radar: Mutual funds and ETFs cut exposures by 22% in Q4
People: Isda taps four new directors, O’Callaghan joins CA, Berlinski quits Goldman, and more
Latest job changes across the industry
BlackRock’s interest rate swaps notional climbs 20%
Counterparty Radar: US retail funds continued to add to their positions in Q4
Risk transfer and the shift from camaraderie to competition
The risk transfer market could be moving into a more competitive, more transactional and, some fear, riskier cycle
Pimco’s cuts to FX forwards positions hit dealers in Q4
Counterparty Radar: State Street takes top spot among dealers as BNP Paribas slides to fourth
Citi swaption volumes surge as BlackRock relationship flourishes
Counterparty Radar: Market leader Pimco cuts nearly one-third of book in Q3
Term SOFR derivatives creep into US fund holdings
Global Atlantic shows sizeable swaps position against the new benchmark as other managers ease into trading
Pimco’s interest rate swaps book shrinks 21% in Q3
Counterparty Radar: BlackRock and Capital Group also trim positions to drive down swaps usage by US mutual funds
US mutual funds’ passion for LatAm FX options undimmed in Q3
Counterparty Radar: Carry trade opportunities see managers’ positions increase tenfold in 2023
BlackRock, Pimco slash mutual fund swaptions books
Counterparty Radar: US retail funds retreat from trade as Morgan Stanley becomes top dealer in Q2
BNP Paribas is biggest fish in shrinking repo pond
Counterparty Radar: US retail funds cut their repo exposure in Q2 to the lowest level since 2020
US funds add to single-name CDS positions
Counterparty Radar: Corporate positions exceed SSA contracts for first time on record in Q2
Pimco adds $103bn in fresh receive-fix interest rate swaps
Counterparty Radar: Bond powerhouse moves to lock in high rates in Q2 with one-year swap