Multilateral trading facility (MTF)
Tech firm OneChronos to offer ‘bundled’ equity-FX trading
New auction algorithms will optimise multi-leg trades; FX roll-out due in second quarter
Shall we compare thee to a multilateral trading venue?
As regulators confirm that perimeter guidance applies to tech firms, the focus shifts to enforcement
Institutions see everything to play for in UK’s DLT sandbox
Industry welcomes flexible issuance limits, but rues derivatives’ exclusion as a missed opportunity
Club rules? How German retail trading venues shut out PTFs
Murky rule books prevent non-bank market-makers from competing for Europe’s growing online customer demand
MTS and WeMatch combine to launch euro swap MTF
New venue to start as interdealer but will soon take on Tradeweb in the dealer-to-client market
French resolution may lead EU to adopt US-style rules for PFOF
German and Czech proposals would also put kibosh on commission’s mooted ban on the practice
LSEG to launch clearing for equity swaps
Turquoise, LCH tie-up comes as equity swaps attract regulatory scrutiny in wake of Archegos
More trading venues face extra supervision under FCA plan
“Woolly” rules fuel concern that bulletin boards and tech providers could be swept in
The CTA and the self-build Sef: ‘We didn’t intend to do it’
How Aegis built the first non-broker Sef in five years and made way for ‘hundreds of billions’ in OTC trades
France floats U-turn on Mifid’s dark pool restrictions
Leaked doc shows UK competition threat weighs on minds of EU lawmakers over non-exchange trading
EU trading venue definition could crush innovation, fear bank execs
Widening scope of regulated firms could undo progress in fixed income electronification and increase costs
UK to lose more swap trades when FCA Brexit powers expire
Relief granted under temporary transitional powers will end in December 2022 – unless changes are made
Brexit drives swaps trading to US platforms
Lack of equivalence forces dealers to shift euro and sterling swaps out of European and UK venues
Mifid transparency battle pits dealers against non-banks
Dealers fight to preserve reporting exemptions, but prop traders want US-style regime
Why central banks aren’t worried about FX algos – for now
Disclosure failings feed into FX code; other issues are worrying, but distant, says SNB’s Maechler
AFM seeks to ‘level playing field’ for venues and vendors
Dutch regulator suggests some liquidity aggregators should be classified as OTFs
Trading venues decry disruptors as MTF battle heats up
Unregulated tech vendors accused of operating as de facto venues; a claim dismissed as “entirely outrageous”
Interdealer broker of the year: BGC Partners
Risk Awards 2020: Strong voice revenues are helping fund ambitious electronic projects
FCA urges dealers to quote Sonia swaps on Clobs
Regulator co-ordinates efforts to stream firm prices as part of ramped-up transition plans
Esma probes blurry line between FX vendors and venues
Forex liquidity aggregators resemble trading platforms – but are not regulated as such, critics charge
Brexit nudges Trad-X swaps service to Paris
London loses out on planned dealer-to-client Clob for OTC euro interest rate swaps