Lloyds Banking Group
Review of 2024: as markets took a breather, firms switched focus
In the absence of major crises and rules deadlines, financial firms revamped strategy, services and practices
People: All fall in at Citi, TD turbulence, and more
Latest job changes across the industry
Between the lines: why banks are rethinking risk management
Lloyds is not the only bank wanting to reshuffle the three lines of defence as tech risks grow
Information security: mind the first-line gap
G-Sibs’ second-line cyber teams still growing, survey shows; others are overhauling KRIs and switching vendors
Lloyds’ standardised market risk charges tripled in Q1
Hedging-related setback pushes market RWAs to an all-time high
Op risk data: Lloyds lurches over £450m motor finance speed bump
Also: JPM trips up on trade surveillance; Reg Best Interest starts to bite. Data by ORX News
Higher revenue pushes HSBC’s op risk up 14%
Increased net interest income over 2023 major driver behind six-year high figure
HSBC leads global uptick in OTC derivatives clearing
Systemic banks cleared record €250 trillion in notionals in 2022
PacWest leads banks on NII growth decline
Deutsche Bank bucks positive European trend while NatWest leads UK negative growth in Q3
US banks’ RWA density dwarfs that of European peers
Truist, Capital One and PNC Bank lead with risk density above 65%
BNP Paribas’s default contributions hit record high in H1
Requirements from CCPs up 19% across 13 EU and UK banks
FMIs pose greatest challenge for operational resilience tests
Risk Live: Calls for large-scale industry exercises to plan what happens if major CCPs go down
Bucking UK trend, StanChart’s LCR jumps in Q1
Sharp reduction in projected net cash outflows pushes liquidity ratio to highest point since 2017
CaixaBank, UniCredit most exposed to rate increases in Europe
Banks report largest hits in IRRBB tests, but remain clear of fail threshold
The impact of rising interest rates on risk models and balance sheet management
In this podcast, ALM and treasury experts discuss how global rate hikes are triggering changes to balance sheet management, behavioural modelling and hedging
UK banks added £1.6bn to loan allowances in 2022
Increase in set-asides driven by stage-two and stage-three credit-loss reserves
Regulator to ‘reflect’ on IRRBB shocks after rates leap
Once considered too harsh by banks, stress scenarios may even prove too generous
Credit Suisse shake-up, HSBC’s new CFO, and more
Latest job changes across the industry
As interest rates surge, bankers fret over last year’s models
IRRBB modellers trying to predict client behaviour have little relevant data to fall back on
Banks’ loan-loss forecasts diverge in BoE climate exercise
Dispersion of estimates for corporate impairments highlights variety of assumptions for modelling climate risk
Credit RWAs for EU, UK banks up in Q1 amid IRB clampdown
Reforms to improve comparability of internal models compound declining asset quality