Credit risk management solutions 2024: market update and vendor landscape

Credit risk management solutions 2024: market update and vendor landscape

Against a backdrop of technological revolution, the credit risk frameworks within financial institutions’ risk infrastructures are being simultaneously used and analysed, and an overarching restructure of credit intermediation is in progress. As a result of these factors, a comprehensive transformation of credit and credit intermediaries is creating a landscape with several distinctive dynamics.

In this evolving market, financial institutions face five main challenges and mitigating these will take a combination of business, technology and analytical strategies. For vendors, the challenge lies in addressing the growing complexity of the credit risk management landscape, with its multiple processes and system components.

This report outlines Chartis’ view of the market and vendor landscape for credit risk management solutions in the trading and banking books, and features two RiskTech Quadrants.

Download the Chartis Credit risk management solutions 2024 report

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