Podcast: Leveraging real‑time data feeds for faster business decisions

Podcast: Leveraging Real-time Data Feeds For Faster Business Decisions

The markets have been on a very volatile ride in 2022, which makes low-latency data more crucial to the business. This broadcast brought on a veteran data leader from the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), who shared what the key markets challenges are, and how firms can leverage LSEG’s vast market coverage and enhanced market data offerings to drive faster business decisions. Especially for quant hedge funds, banks and asset managers, they can now benefit from real-time data with Refinitiv API, raw exchange data captured from more data centers globally, as well as more streamlined data processing with the advanced analytics and AI engine.

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Capitalising on CMBS

Maximising value from better risk management and deal efficiency

This Risk.net survey and white paper, commissioned by SS&C Intralinks, assesses the outlook for the CMBS market in the US and Europe, charts the changing risk management priorities of issuers and investors, and reveals the key opportunities to drive efficiency and maximise value in the deal process.

Capitalising on CMBS
Cryptocurrency Regulation Summary: 2022 edition

The market capitalization of crypto assets has grown significantly amid large bouts of price volatility. Moreover, the market capitalization of stablecoins has quadrupled in 2021 to more than US$120 billion.

Cryptocurrency Regulation Summary: 2022 edition
Data to anchor a new age of risk management

Today, modern enterprises must tackle unstructured data, semi-structured data and data with high variety, velocity and volume. But current data systems for compliance cannot perform the requisite advanced analytics that require scale.

Data to anchor a new age of risk management

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